Introduction to the Software


QuickCogo is a straight-forward and easy to use land surveying and coordinate geometry (cogo) program compatible with Windows versions through Windows 8, including the 64 bit OS. Although the software was originally developed in 1988 for the developer’s own land surveying company, it is now being used by professionals worldwide.

Other versions

There are also versions for Android, iOS, Pocket PC and Palm devices containing many of the same routines and features as the desktop version. Although the 4 versions are independent and not reliant upon each other, they operate similarly. Incidentally, there is still a DOS version available.

What it does

The software is primarily a coordinate geometry problem solver but it also contains several routines that produce screen and scaled printer plots from the data generated within the program. And, with its dxf capability, it can optionally be used with most cad programs to make finished survey maps. Its dxf use with AutoCad(tm) or AutoCad Lt(tm) is especially productive from the developer’s personal experience. His former company uses only QuickCogo with AutoCad for all of its land surveying mapping tasks. Nevertheless, it is totally separate and independent and cad software is NOT needed to use the program or produce printer plots.

User Advantages

QuickCogo Software products were developed to increase productivity for the practicing professional. Don’t be misled by the low prices. As the developer, I have tried to keep the cost within the reach of not only the practicing surveyor or engineer but also the retiree and student while not sacrificing its capability to perform the many tasks demanded by most professionals. Several users have expressed their reliance upon this software to “get the job done” although they also own more expensive but cumbersome programs that must be repeatedly re-learned before accomplishing even an ordinary task. If there is something not addressed, free customization may be available. QuickCogo installed on laptop computers is also an ideal and affordable tool in the field in addition to the convenience of the handhelds. Please explore all of the applicable web site links. They will explain and show you the many features of the various cogo routines and answer questions about their operation and content. You will not find a better value.

Click PalmCogo/MobileCogo for information about the handheld versions.
Click cogo4android and cogo4phone for details about the iOS and Android OS versions.

User manuals are included in the evaluation and purchase downloads for each product.