The PC version (QuickCogo) and what it does

NOTE: Manuals for all products may be downloaded at the end of this page.

  • Compatible with Windows through OS 8
  • The program is 3-dimensional, meaning elevations may also be created and used in several of the cogo routines.
  • Use up to 100,000 points, each containing a point number, a pair of coordinates, and optionally an elevation and a descriptor with a maximum of 20 characters. One megabyte of storage could contain about 23 one-thousand point files.
  • The common cogo functions like bearing-distance traverse, inverse and the intersection problems are built-in and executed from one screen. There is also a very useful bearing-distance feature in the Utilities menu, together with one for inversing from anywhere. An additional line-line intersection solution, where 2 lines defined by point numbers are used.has been added to the traditional bearing-bearing intersection
  • Create an optional batch file to record data entries for the bearing distance, angle-distance, mapcheck, radial and lotplot routines. This file can then be edited, if necessary, and run again without re-entering the data. It is especially useful for avoiding re-entering data after a bad entry was made in a long traverse. This file could also be created outside of the program for later use.
  • Use bearings or azimuths (North or South), and horizontal or slope distances.
  • Import and export ascii (text) files in several formats, especially useful with data collector files or transferring files from other cogo programs.
  • Create DXF files for use with AutoCad(tm) or other compatible cad software that accepts dxf. Used to prepare sophisticated survey maps. Transfer points only or lines annotated with bearings and distances.
  • Compute open or closed field traverses with the compass/transit rule adjustment.
  • Compute and plot areas of closed figures with 2 options for Pre-determined areas.
  • Use the field stakeout and layout routines to prepare notes for field crews or do it in the field with a laptop or handheld. This routine computes the angles and distances to target points from a known point and backsight. Use for single or multiple points.
  • GPS traverse using both local coordinates and latitudes/longitudes from a known point to target point(s). Designed for use with handheld GPS devices. Practical applications include searching for section corners, laying out approximate boundaries of properties, defining estimated boundaries for logging operations, etc.
  • Latitude/Longitude points for plot and distance between. Designed to plot relative points obtained with GPS and calculate area. Also find ‘great circle’ distance between 2 geographic points. (Not in Evaluation)
  • Highway alignment calculations. Automated curve calculations given P.I., deg and direction of curve. Find ‘station and out’ plus set offsets at given stations. (Not in Evaluation)
  • Calculate perpendicular, parallel and reference line offsets. Great for computing offsets to property lines in ALTA surveys.
  • Calculate street intersections,culs-de-sac, resections, rotate and translate solutions.
  • Plot traverses, areas, legal descriptions without coordinates, etc. to the screen and/or system printer. Also open an interactive plotting screen to display selected or all points and then interact with the points to inverse, calculate area, traverse, display descriptors and elevations, etc. The interactive plot also allows plotting with data entry.
  • Triangle solutions. An independent utility for solving obtuse and right triangles.
  • legal description writer using the points in your file to assist in preparing descriptions, including curves. (Not in evaluation version)
  • Full file editing…list, change, delete, renumber, cut, copy, paste, etc.
  • Inverse between point numbers or by entering individual coordinates from anywhere in the program by using a hot key.
  • View high and low point numbers or unused points at any time.
  • Optionally use tenths of seconds and choose number of decimal places to display.
  • Search a file for points using the descriptor. Especially useful if descriptor is being used as a work-around for alpha-numeric points
  • Find the maximum and minimum coordinates in a file.
  • Fnd the angle(s) formed by the intersection of 2 lines. Displays deflection, interior and exterior angles.
  • Calculate curve data, curve inverses, spiral curves, road curves for subdivision calcs, vertical curves
  • Compute finished elevations using a ‘Grades’ routine.
  • Contains a Lot Closure/Map check routine in which you may quickly check closures for subdivision lots, areas, etc., including curves. Gives area in square feet and square meters. Has an edit feature for changing entries after each closure run. Also create a file for adding parcel closures for later printing or editing for submission to a government agency. Includes a feature to make a permanent record of your data entries and later “playback”.
  • Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Subdivide a regular section into approximate 40 or 10 acre parcels or use the double proportioning method to restore a lost corner, based upon the 1973 Manual of Instructions.
  • A button bar beneath the menus permits a convenient access to many of the common routines.

Many of the same routines described above and other features below are also contained in the PalmCogo, MobileCogo and the Android and iOS versions

Other Features

  • Point protect displays the old and new points and coordinates with an overwrite option.
  • High and low point numbers are constantly displayed allowing the user to properly assign the next number. Also display unassigned point numbers between those being used.
  • Automatic saving of points upon execution of the calculation. Points can notbe lost even if power is interrupted.
  • Bearings and azimuths may be entered in several ways: by 3, 5 or 7 digit numbers, by point numbers, by adding or subtracting angles, by being perpendicular to a known bearing, duplicating the last bearing entered, etc. Use either North or South azimuths. Bearing entries also have several options: N23°45’12″E may be entered as 1234512,123.4512,ne234512,ne23.4512,n234512e,n23.4512e,etc.
  • Next consecutive point number assigned automatically as an option during bearing or angle-distance traverses
  • Open new or existing files anytime during cogo session.
  • File names have a unique default extension for easy searching.
  • Point numbers not used may be seen by a simple key stroke.
  • Toggle plotting window on and off with simple click.
  • All cogo routines available at all times through use of categorized or alphabetical menus and a button bar.
  • Distance multiplier available for use to convert rods, chains, ground and grid distances, etc. during data entry.
  • On screen help.

Dos Version

There is still a Dos version that works quite well. In fact, my former company uses it very frequently in the office and in the field. The cost is $39 The Dos version is not compatible with 64 bit Windows OS but works with everything else. Click HERE to download an evaluation version.

Customization and Upgrades

If you find there is something you need that the program does not have or there is something in the program you would like changed, I may be able to customize it for you at no additional cost. Although the software, as is, has been more than adequate for most, I recognize that no program can satisfy everyone. Since I could not anticipate all the various ways in which users may do their work, I am willing to make it the way you want at no extra cost if the request is reasonable. It’s like having your own in-house programmer. <

Free Technical Support

While becoming familiar with the program there may be questions. If so, I encourage you to use one of the following methods to get answers.


If users will contact me through email, I can give detailed answers to questions and exchange files, if necessary. I monitor my messages frequently and respond promptly. Please include the name of the product in the subject line of your message (quickcogo, palmcogo,mobilecogo,android, iOS)


I will spend whatever support time is necessary. 801-254-7181.


I have a fax number (208-361-9418) which allows me to receive faxes through email. If you need to send a sketch, or document, use this method. Please limit your fax to 3 pages or less. Avoid a cover page, if possible.

Whichever method you use, you will be pleased with the prompt and personal attention you receive.

Evaluation Version

For details of how to receive an evaluation version, please Click Here . Click HERE to learn more about PalmCogo/MobileCogo, the cogo versions for Palm and Pocket PC handhelds.
Click HERE for information about cogo4android
Click HERE for information about cogo for phones, ipad, etc.


QuickCogo for MS Word Doc Format
QuickCogo for Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
Cogo4androd in doc format For Android version
Cogo4phone in doc format For iOS version
simpleCOGO in doc format For simpleCOGO
PalmCogo in doc format. For Palm
PocketCogo in doc format. For Pocket PC
QuickCogo Dos in doc format For Dos version